DIVISION of Fractions: GRADES 4-6
Online Santa CruzIn this session you will explore ways to help students conceptually understand division of fractions. We will use hands-on manipulatives and the rectangular area model of division. How does the...
In this session you will explore ways to help students conceptually understand division of fractions. We will use hands-on manipulatives and the rectangular area model of division. How does the...
The Department of Mathematics at California State University, Fresno in collaboration with San Joaquin Valley Mathematics Project (SJVMP) and Mathematics and Science Teacher Initiative (MSTI), offers a unique opportunity for...
The Department of Mathematics at California State University, Fresno in collaboration with San Joaquin Valley Mathematics Project (SJVMP) and Mathematics and Science Teacher Initiative (MSTI), offers a unique opportunity for...
This Workshop Is Intended For Those Who Want To Take A Leadership Role In Improving Mathematics Education At Their School Site, District Or Community.
Experience the power of the CANMEE High-Quality Lesson Study with your team. This model maintains a dual-focus on learning math content and equity. Participate in student-centered, teacher-directed professional learning. Leave...
This Workshop Is Intended For Teachers In Grades K-8. The Goal Is To Provide Strategies For Engaging Students In Rigorous Mathematical Problem Solving Experiences And Investigations.
After a discussion exploring mathematical modeling at the secondary level participants in these three 3-hour sessions will experience mathematical modeling with data, including one activity that focuses on a social...
After a discussion exploring mathematical modeling at the secondary level participants in these three 3-hour sessions will experience mathematical modeling with data, including one activity that focuses on a social...
After a discussion exploring mathematical modeling at the secondary level participants in these three 3-hour sessions will experience mathematical modeling with data, including one activity that focuses on a social...
All students need to learn the language of mathematics. This language-focused approach to learning mathematics addresses math vocabulary with very specific meaning, as well as multi-meaning words and symbols. Dr....