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Math Teachers’ Circle @ CSUDH: I Walk the Line(s)

Online Santa Cruz

Come work collaboratively with other math teachers to enrich your problem solving and subject matter knowledge! Imagine that you live in the city of Cartesia whose streets lie on the...

Focus on Student Thinking: Engage & Reflect

Online Santa Cruz

Designed by the Math Project at Sacramento State for K-12 teachers of mathematics, these workshops (held via Zoom) are designed to not only deepen your understanding of mathematics, but also...


Math Fluency Game Workshop for Grade 5-9 Teachers

Online Santa Cruz

Online, interactive session In small collaborative groups, play a game related to math fluency, then take some time to reflect about fluency, collaboration and mathematical playfulness in teachers’ classroom practice....


Modeling with Functions, Grades 9-12.

Online Santa Cruz

After discussing what mathematical modeling is at the high school level, participants in these five 3 -hour sessions will experience mathematical modeling with functions, including at least one activity that...


Math Teachers’ Circle @ CSUDH: Bubbling Cauldrons

Online Santa Cruz

It’s the end of your first year at Pigwarts and you are stuck in Professor Snipe’s Potions exam. He has given you multiple cauldrons and you are tasked to see...


Returning to Hidden Statistics

Online Santa Cruz

Virtual learning sessions Saturdays, 9:00am – 10:00am March 5, 2022 Fee: $10/session


Division of Fractions

Online Santa Cruz

DIVISION of Fractions: Grades 4-6 In this session you will explore ways to help students conceptually understand division of fractions. We will use hands-on manipulatives and the rectangular area model...
