Teaching Practices Workshop
This Workshop Is Intended For Teachers In Grades K-8. The Goal Is To Provide Strategies For Engaging Students In Rigorous Mathematical Problem Solving Experiences And Investigations.
This Workshop Is Intended For Teachers In Grades K-8. The Goal Is To Provide Strategies For Engaging Students In Rigorous Mathematical Problem Solving Experiences And Investigations.
After a discussion exploring mathematical modeling at the secondary level participants in these three 3-hour sessions will experience mathematical modeling with data, including one activity that focuses on a social justice topic. Dates: July 26, 27, and 28 from 9-12 each day with additional asynchronous work. Presenter: Dr. Joanne Rossi Becker, SJSU. https://sjsu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAsc-GvrjkpE90Qe0RNE7aeGCC8XcKKweAR For more...
After a discussion exploring mathematical modeling at the secondary level participants in these three 3-hour sessions will experience mathematical modeling with data, including one activity that focuses on a social justice topic. Dates: July 26, 27, and 28 from 9-12 each day with additional asynchronous work. Presenter: Dr. Joanne Rossi Becker, SJSU. https://sjsu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAsc-GvrjkpE90Qe0RNE7aeGCC8XcKKweAR For more...
After a discussion exploring mathematical modeling at the secondary level participants in these three 3-hour sessions will experience mathematical modeling with data, including one activity that focuses on a social justice topic. Dates: July 26, 27, and 28 from 9-12 each day with additional asynchronous work. Presenter: Dr. Joanne Rossi Becker, SJSU. https://sjsu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAsc-GvrjkpE90Qe0RNE7aeGCC8XcKKweAR For more...
All students need to learn the language of mathematics. This language-focused approach to learning mathematics addresses math vocabulary with very specific meaning, as well as multi-meaning words and symbols. Dr. Molina provides many examples of language-focused conceptual instruction such as a chapter on order of operations, and two chapters on fractions. We will meet and...
Moving from whole numbers to rational numbers is challenge for many students. Join us to deepen your own understanding of rational numbers and learn research-based and classroom-tested strategies that use ratio reasoning to build a cohesive learning opportunity for all of your students. This three-session workshop will focus on equal share problems, and ordering, comparing,...
Join with others to deepen your understanding of effective ways to start, facilitate, and support a CANMEE lesson study team with a dual focus on the student (equity) and math. It is recommended that you have some experience with lesson study. Register: http://s.alchemer.com/s3/CANMEE-Lesson-Study-Facilitators-Online-Course-Fall-2022
Join us to read and discuss both mathematical problem-solving and lesson study. The incoming California math framework recommends students learn through complex problem solving and investigations. Takahashi provides example units and lessons that develop both conceptual and procedural understanding. The lesson study portion takes you through the steps to collaboratively plan learning through problem solving....
Middle school math teachers set a foundation that creates opportunities for students' educational and career choices. Ratio reasoning and proportional reasoning are essential for success in math and science. This three-session workshop will deepen your own understanding through a focus on percent ratio comparisons, rate of change, and measurement. Participants will receive a copy of...
Moving from whole number multiplication and division to multiplication and division with rational numbers is a challenge for most students. Join us to deepen your own understanding of rational numbers and learn research-based and classroom- tested strategies that use ratio reasoning to build a cohesive learning opportunity of all of your students. This three-session workshop...