“Recruitment, Retention and the Math and Science Teacher Shortage”
– Richard Ingersoll, Professor, University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education
Presentation Time: 5:15pm-6:30pm, Thursday, March 22, 2012
Richard Ingersoll will present the results of his research on the supply, turnover and shortages of math and science teachers. How many schools suffer from math and science teacher hiring difficulties? Is the supply of mathematics and science teachers sufficient? Has the new supply of math and science teachers has kept pace with math and science student enrollments and with teacher retirements? How does the turnover and retention of mathematics and science teachers compare to other teachers? Has it changed over time? How much of it is concentrated in particular types of schools? Are math and science teachers leaving for jobs in industry? Which particular aspects and conditions of schools and of teachers’ jobs are most tied to their turnover? Do the kinds and amounts of education and preparation math and science teachers receive before they began teaching have any impact on their retention?
“Confronting Another Gathering Storm: Mathematics Teacher Retention in an Era of Increased Expectations and Diminished Respect”
– Edward Silver, Dean, University of Michigan School of Education
The 2005 National Academy of Sciences report, Rising Above the Gathering Storm, proclaimed an crisis in the United States with respect to leadership in science and technology. In response to this and other similar concerns, most states have elevated expectations for high school graduation, with many requiring more mathematics courses and/or higher levels of proficiency on exit examinations. At the same time, public and political rhetoric about education and teachers has taken an increasingly negative tone. Thus, we confront a perfect storm of increased demand for effective mathematics teachers as public negativity about teachers and schools has reached a crescendo.
“Great Teachers are Made, not Born: What We Can do to Cultivate–and Keep–Excellent Math Teachers?”
– Ellen Moir, Chief Executive Officer, New Teacher Center
Presentation Time: 12:45pm-2:00pm, Saturday, March 24, 2012
We all know how important it is to recruit talented new STEM teachers into our classrooms, especially in underserved areas. Just as important, but often overlooked, is supporting those new STEM teachers and helping them move from good to very good to excellent. Even the brightest new teachers need support and guidance to maximize their potential in their early years in the profession. Ellen Moir, CEO & Founder of the New Teacher Center (NTC), will discuss what constitutes a rigorous and powerful teacher induction program for all new teachers, including: introducing high-level interventions for teachers, linking its work to a continuum of teacher development, selecting and training outstanding mentors, working to embed its program within the district it serves, and creating accountability measures for both the new teachers and the mentor teachers. In addition, Ellen will discuss how NTC has applied these principles to its induction programs to target math teachers and drive teacher retention, teacher effectiveness, and student learning. Powerful teacher induction systems make a difference not only in the teachers’ lives and careers, but ultimately for the students they teach.